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About me

José Luis Aragón a.k.a. Blackone

Freelance Motion Graphics, Freelance 3D, Freelance Designer, even formerly motion graphics studio in Madrid.

I help advertising, marketing and design agencies, influencers, TV channels, post-production companies and creative directors to express their idea in the form of audiovisual piece, corporate image or design.

I’ve been in the audiovisual sector since 1999 working in television channels, design studios and as a freelance since 2006. I created my first company EvolutionCG in 2007, and a second company Blackone Studio & Academy in 2015 until 2020. I am now back to freelancing in 2021.

I have run my own studio with up to 15 people under me and taught Adobe After Effects, personal branding, wordpress and digital video theory in my own academy.

Currently I coordinate the Master of Motion Graphics, Master of NukeX and Master of Editing/post/motion/Color at the University School The Core Entertainment Science School.

And I have two international awards: a PromaxBDA Global Excellence and a The New York Festival.

Named Adobe Influencer in 2015 and Adobe Ambassador in 2019 within Blackone Studio by Adobe itself. In 2019 I did a talk as an Adobe Demo Artist presenting what’s new in the Creative Suite.

Specialist in the full range of HP Z workstations with the certificate Selling HP Business Personal Systems and HP Z Displays Portfolio Deep Dive in 2020 I have presented for HP friends their products in several events in the audiovisual sector. HP Education Ambassador from 2022.

I studied at the School of Arts of Cadiz, some Masters of Alias Maya, Digital Postproduction and Foundry NukeX in Madrid and courses of Cinema4D, DaVinci Resolve, Pro Tools.

Also an Executive MBA at EAE Business School, Digital Marketing at The PowerMBA and a consultative sales course at Sales Business School.

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Blackone - Senior Freelance Motion Graphics

Madrid - Spain


+34 606 62 72 93

© 2023 Design by Blackone

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